
If you’re working on your craft, it helps to have some guides. In addition to my YouTube videos, I compile a lot of PDFs and spreadsheets to help people try and improve themselves. I collect all of these resources here.

Writing Log

A writing log is, for me, an absolutely essential tool. Attached is a blank Excel spreadsheet that I used for several years to track my writing. I use it to track time, mostly, but it serves me very well.

Query Submission Tracker

When you start querying agents, there’s a LOT of moving parts. You have to track to whom you’re querying, when you can expect follow up, when people responded, if they requested additional information, how to give it to them, AAAAAAH. It’s so much. I created an excel spreadsheet that you can use to track all of this information!

3 Act Structure Summary

Just a brief summary of 3 act structure and how it works. Whenever I’m planning a new story, inevitably I sketch out something like this on a sheet of paper to help me visualize it. I made this form to save you that trouble.