Where Can We Find Your Books?


I’ve had this come up surprisingly often the last couple of weeks, so I thought I would drop a blog post for reference. People have asked me “Where can I find your books?”

I’m flattered. I’m also excited to see my books are getting people excited. Unfortunately, you can’t. Not yet.

STARS OF STEEL AND IRON, my Firefly x Pacific Rim space opera of a family trying to keep it together after their heist goes wrong, is currently in the query trenches. Truthfully I’ve got maybe another round of queries before it goes to the shelf, but I promise, that is a story that is going to be coming out eventually! And I will be SCREAMING about it on all of my platforms when there is movement there, I assure you.

It’s a family that matters to me. It’s a story that matters to me, and boy howdy lemme tell you do I have PLANS.

“But Mike, if you care so much about this story, why won’t you self publish it if there’s not interesting from traditional publishers?” Good question! I actually wrote a blog post about that here.

Again, I’m absolutely flattered, and sorry I don’t have anything more tangible for you novel-wise. I do have a short story out in the wild; it’s fiction piece about a famous cheesemaker who accidentally became a super hero. You can see him apply for a job in the Itty Bitty Writing Space anthology here. It’s a fun collection of flash fiction that’s great for small bites.

I am humbled people are asking and other folks have offered to support me. I promise, I’ll update on all of my various platforms when there’s movement on these stories. In the interim if you want to support me, honestly the best way at the moment is to watch and share my videos here: https://www.youtube.com/c/bowtiewriter.

Cheers all, and thank you so much.

About the Author

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